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Manage accommodation requests

This guide explains how to review medical and religious accommodation cases. Use the Validation Queue to review declination cases.

Access accommodations

In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Manage Accommodations and Declinations tile:

Screenshot of Manage Accommodations and Declinations in the TrackMy portal.

Review accommodation requests

  1. In Manage Accommodations and Declinations, go to Manage Accommodation Requests and click Manage for the accommodation type.

  2. Click Review Case to view a case.

  3. Click the Status to update the status of the case:

Screenshot showing the location of the drop down menu with Status options for an accommodation submission.
  1. Go to Add Note and enter case notes. Click Submit.

  2. Click Send Communication to send the user an email about their accommodation request case.

  3. Click Save.

Enter an accommodation for a user

Follow these instructions to add an accommodation to TrackMy for a user. These accommodation entries are automatically set as approved for the user.

To enter an existing accommodation record:

  1. In Manage Accommodations and Declinations, go to Manual Request Entry

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Enter last name, email, phone, or workplace location to search for a patient.

  4. Click Select for the patient.

  5. If the patient is correct, click Confirm in the confirmation pop-up.

  6. Select the request type.

  7. If the request is for an accommodation, select the accommodation type.

  8. Select the vaccine the exemption applies to.

  9. Enter the expiration date or select the check box for Does not expire.

  10. Click +Add Document 1 to upload documentation for the accommodation.

  11. Click Confirm.

  12. Review the information in the confirmation pop-up and click Confirm.

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