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Review declination requests

This guide explains how to review declination requests.

To review declination requests:

  1. In your admin/clinical TrackMy portal, click the Validation Queue tile:

Screenshot of Validation Queue tile in TrackMy portal
  1. In the Validation Queue, select the Declinations tab to view all declination request cases:

Screenshot showing the location of the Declinations tab in the Validation Queue
  1. Click View Form to view case details.

  2. Click Status to update the status of the case. Selecting Approved or Denied will immediately update the status of the case. The window will refresh to display the next pending case:

Screenshot of Status dropdown menu available in the Declination form review. The available selections are Pending, Approved, and Denied for a declination submission.
  1. You can also change the status in the Validation Queue without opening the case by clicking the case’s Status:

Screenshot of Status dropdown menu available in the Declination review table. The available selections are Pending, Approved, and Denied for a declination submission.
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