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Manage email notifications

There are two ways to send email notifications to TrackMy users. You can set up automatic emails for account management, compliance, and fit testing tasks. Additionally, you can create custom templates for sending messages to users.

Automatic email notifications

Automatic notifications include alerts for account management, compliance, and fit testing.

To set up an automatic email notification:

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Notifications tile:

Screenshot of the Notifications tile in the TrackMy portal.
  1. To edit an email, click View.

  2. Click Load Default Content to use a template:

Screenshot showing the location of the Load Default Content button available in the email template editor.
  1. Edit the content if needed.

  2. Enter the subject line.

  3. Turn on the Enabled toggle switch to turn on the email notification. Or leave it off to save as a draft.

  4. Click Save.

Custom email communications

Custom communications are templates for sending emails to users on TrackMy.


Create a template that asks for more information for an accommodation request. The template will now be available when reviewing accommodation requests.

Create custom communications

To create a custom communication template:

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Administration tile:

Screenshot of the Administration tile in the TrackMy portal.
  1. Go to Configuration and click Manage for Custom Communications:

Screenshot showing the location of the manage custom communications button.
  1. Click Create New Communication.

  2. Enter the template name.

  3. Select the template type.

  4. Enter the email subject and content.

  5. Click Save.

Edit a custom communication template

  1. In Administration, go to Configuration and click Manage for Custom Communications.

  2. Click View for the template.

  3. Make the edits in the template editor.

  4. Click Save.

Delete a custom communication template

Click Delete in the template editor.

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