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Vaccine administration

Access vaccine administration

You must be in the TrackMy Clinical portal to access vaccine administration. Follow these instructions to access your TrackMy Clinical portal.

Submit vaccine administration documents

Submit vaccine administration documentation on TrackMy when giving vaccine doses.

To complete a vaccine administration document:

  1. In your TrackMy clinical portal, click the Search For Patient button:

Screenshot of the Search For Patient button in the TrackMy portal.
  1. To search for a patient, enter the patient’s last name, email, phone number, or the clinic location. Press enter/return (on your keyboard) to show the search results.

    1. Or, to show all patients, click in the empty search bar and press enter/return.

  2. For the patient, click Vax Doc:

Screenshot showing the location of the Vax Doc button in patient search.
  1. Click Confirm (if it is the correct patient) to continue to the patient’s vaccine administration document:

Screenshot of the patient confirmation pop-up window.
  1. Select the vaccine type. If the patient has not completed a vaccine consent form, the below message will display when you select the vaccine. 

    The patient must submit the vaccine consent before you can administer the vaccination. Click the link (Click Here) to open the patient’s consent form:

Screenshot of the message that appears when a patient attempts to receive a vaccine dose without a complete consent form on file.
  1. Select the lot number. If the correct lot number is not available, follow these instructions to manage lot numbers. The vaccine manufacturer and dose volume will be automatically included from the lot information.

  2. Select the vaccination route and injection site for the patient.

  3. Confirm the correct name is selected for the administer. To select a different name, click the current name and choose the correct name from the list:

Screenshot of the vaccine administer name.
  1. Check the Current Date box to set the vaccinate date to be the current time.

    1. Or, manually select the vaccination date and time.

  2. Enter the next dose date.

    1. Or, check the N/A box if there is no defined date for the next dose.

  3. Click Save Vaccine.

View a patient’s past vaccine documents

A patient's past vaccine documents will show in their records if your organization created the records on TrackMy.

To view a patient’s vaccine documents:

  1. In your TrackMy clinical portal, click the Search For Patient button:

Screenshot of the Search For Patient button in the TrackMy portal.
  1. To search for a patient, enter the patient’s last name, email, phone number, or the clinic location. Press enter/return (on your keyboard) to show the search results.

  2. For the patient, click Vax Hist. You will be sent to their Vaccines dashboard.

  3. Click + to expand the selected vaccine history.

  4. To view the documents for the vaccine dose, click Download Vaccine Record:

Screenshot of patient vaccine record for the Hepatitis B vaccine. They received a dose at the clinic, so there is a Download Vaccine Record button under Vaccine Documents in their vaccine record.

Edit a patient’s past vaccine document

If needed, you can edit participant vaccine dose records in TrackMy. After editing, you can send the updated vaccine documentation to the state IIS. 

To edit a vaccine record:

  1. Navigate to the participant's Vaccines dashboard. Your steps to get there will depend on your role and permissions:

    1. As a Clinical user, go to Search for Patient, then click Vax Hist for the participant. 

    2. As an Admin or Clinical user, go to Compliance Dashboard, then click Vaccines for the participant.

  2. Expand the vaccine type to view all doses.

  3. Click the Edit icon for the vaccine dose. You cannot edit doses that are from a vaccine query or historical upload:

    Screenshot highlighting the location of the Edit icon for a vaccine dose in the Vaccines dashboard.

  4. Edit the information and save. If the dose was previously submitted to the state IIS, you can submit the new vaccine data to the state IIS.

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