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Manage drug lots

This guide explains how to enter drug lot information in TrackMy for vaccine administration.

Access drug lots

In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Manage Vaccines tile:

Screenshot showing the Manage Vaccines tile in the TrackMy admin portal.

Add drug lots

  1. Go to Drug Lot Management and click Start for Add Drug Lots:

Screenshot showing the location of the Start button for Add Drug Lots.
  1. Select the vaccine type.

  2. Select the vaccine type and drug that will be administered. Ensure that you select the correct manufacturer and National Drug Code (NDC).

  3. Enter the vaccine batch’s unique lot number.

  4. Enter the date the drug lot expires.

  5. Click Locations to refine which location the drug lot will be administered. The default selection is All Locations.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Edit drug lots

  1. Go to Drug Lot Management and click Search for Search Lot Numbers:

Screenshot to show the location of the Search button for Search Lot Numbers.
  1. Search the lot number, or click Search to see all drug lots.

  2. Click Edit for the drug lot.

  3. Edit information.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Archive or disable drug lots

  1. Go to Drug Lot Management and click Search for Search Lot Numbers.

  2. Search the lot number, or click Search to see all drug lots.

  3. Click Archive or Disable.

  • Archived drug lots can no longer be administered and cannot be recovered.

  • Disabled drug lots cannot be administered while disabled, but can be reactivated for use.

This record shows both a disabled drug lot and an archived drug lot:

Screenshot of an archived drug lot and a disabled drug lot. The archived drug lot is listed under archive and has no available buttons to access the drug lot. The disabled drug lot is included in the drug lot list and has the Enable button to reactivate the drug lot.

Reactivate a disabled drug lot

For the disabled drug lot, click Enable.

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