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Vaccine compliance

This guide explains how to view if a vaccine dose is compliant.

If you have received a new vaccine dose and want to include it in your record on TrackMy, follow instructions to update your vaccination record.

View vaccine dose status

In Vaccines, click + to expand a vaccine record and view the compliance status and requirements.

The following are possible Status results and what they mean:

  • Pending: Your self-reported dose is awaiting review.

  • Dose Validated: Your self-reported dose is approved and contributes to your compliance.

  • Unvalidated or Failed Validation: Your self-reported dose is not approved.

  • Verified: These verified vaccine records are from TrackMy’s state registry search.

Next steps if a vaccine dose is not compliant

If a vaccine dose is not compliant, your next step to correct your vaccination record will depend on the reason for the rejection.

Your organization decides compliance requirements. Contact your organization if you do not understand the reason for the rejection.

Possible reasons for a vaccine dose to not meet compliance include:

  • Insufficient or incorrect documentation

  • You did not receive the vaccine within the required date range

  • The vaccine manufacturer is not accepted

If you cannot meet compliance, you may be able to file for an accommodation with your organization.

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