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Review self-reported vaccine doses

In some instances, TrackMy may not find the complete vaccination record for a user. Users will self-report a vaccination if:

  • They received a vaccine dose outside the United States or in a U.S. territory.

  • They received a vaccine dose in a state TrackMy does not have an established health registry connection with.

  • TrackMy could not find a record of their vaccination based on the information provided.

This guide explains how to review self-reported vaccine doses in TrackMy’s Validation Queue. Your organization's requirements for validating a dose may vary.

Review doses in the Validation Queue

  1. In your Verivax admin/clinical portal, go to Validation Queue:

    Screenshot of the Validation Queue tile.

  2. Click Review Case for a dose:

    Screenshot highlighting the location of the Review Case button in the Validation Queue.

    Screenshot of the View vase popup in the Validation Queue.

  3. Verify that the user’s name matches the name on the submitted documentation.

    1. If the names do not match, verify that the date of birth matches.

    2. If neither name nor date of birth match, fail the submission.

  4. Verify that the vaccination date on the submission matches the vaccination date on the documentation.

    1. Users often enter the vaccination date wrong. If needed, edit the vaccination date to match the documentation:

      Screenshot highlighting the location of the Dose test Date selection in the Validation Queue case view popup.

  5. If the submitted vaccine type does not match the vaccine type on the documentation, follow the instructions below to change the vaccine type.

  6. When all information is correct for the self-reported dose, validate the dose by changing the Status.

When you update the dose status, TrackMy will automatically display the next self-reported dose in the queue.

Change the vaccine type for a self-reported vaccine dose

Some self-reported doses are submitted as the wrong vaccine type. For example, a user submits a Rubella dose as a Measles, Mumps, Rubella dose.

To change the vaccine type in a self-reported dose:

  1. If viewing the dose in the Validation Queue, close the popup case view.

  2. Click Vax History for the user. The user’s Vaccines dashboard will open in a new window:

    Screenshot highlighting the location of the Vax History button in the Validation Queue.

  3. Expand the vaccine group to view doses:

    Screenshot of an expanded vaccine group in a user's Vaccines dashboard.

  4. Click the Edit icon for the vaccine dose.

  5. Click the vaccine type and select the correct vaccine type from the list:

    Screenshot of the vaccine type selection in the Edit dose popup.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. If you have verified that all other information for the dose is correct, validate the dose in the user’s Vaccines dashboard:

    Schreenshot highlighting the location of the Status selection for a user's vaccine dose in their Vaccine dashboard.

    1. Click Save. This button appears in the upper-right corner on desktop:

      Screenshot highlighting the location of the save button.

      Otherwise, return to the Validation Queue to continue reviewing the self-reported dose.

Updating the status of a submission in the Validation Queue

  1. Open Review Case for the self-reported dose.

  2. Click Status and select the new status:

    Screenshot highlighting the location of the Status selection in the Validation Queue case view popup.

  3. If selecting Failed Validation or Not Validated, enter the reason for failing. You may have a list of reasons to choose from.

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