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Manage uploaded documents

Patient Document Management consolidates and organizes the range of documents for a patient user that are uploaded across TMV. Additionally, clinicians can upload documents to store in a patient user’s central file hub.

Document folders

Access Document Folder Management via the Administration dashboard, under Configuration.

‘Supporting documents’ folders

The ‘supporting documents’ folders contain documents that the patient user has uploaded in TMV. For example, a document uploaded with a test result will be stored in Test supporting documents.

These folders are automatically made by the system and cannot be edited or deleted. Subfolders can be built for these folders.

Your exact supporting document folders will vary based on the configuration of your TMV instance.

  • Supporting document folders:

    • Vaccine supporting files - Files uploaded with vaccine records

    • Lab Test supporting files - Files uploaded with lab tests

    • Fit Test and Medical Evaluation supporting files - Files uploaded with fit tests and medical evaluations

    • Form supporting files - Files uploaded with custom forms and TB Survey

    • Accommodation and Declination supporting files - Files uploaded with medical accommodations, religious accommodations, and declinations

    • Notes supporting files - Files uploaded with clinical notes

Create a folder

To create a folder:

  1. In Administration, click Manage for Document Folders, under Configuration.

  2. Click New Folder.

  3. Enter the folder name and description.

The folder can be set to be Internal. When a folder is Internal, the folder and all documents in the folder will not be viewable to the patient user.

  1. Save.

Create a subfolder

To create a subfolder, follow the steps above and select a Parent Folder.

TMV will support three-levels deep of sub-folders. For example:

Parent folder

  • sub-folder 1

    • sub-folder 1.1

      • sub-folder 1.2

  • sub-folder 2

In this case, sub-folder 1.2 cannot be a parent folder.

Edit a folder

Follow the above steps to go to Document Folders Management. Click Edit for the folder you want to edit.

‘Supporting document’ folders cannot be edited.

Folders cannot be deleted.

Upload a document for a patient

  1. In Search for Patient, click Upload Doc (on the far right side of the screen).

  2. Confirm you viewing the correct patient user’s uploaded documents. Patient info is at the top of the page.

  3. Click Upload Document.

  4. Select the folder and upload the file.
    You can upload only one file at a time.

  5. Save.

Move a document to another folder

A document can be moved to a different folder for a patient. You cannot change what patient user the document is associated with. If the document is associated with the wrong patient user, follow instructions below to delete the document.

To move a document to a different folder:

  1. Follow the above instructions to access the patient user’s Uploaded Documents page via Search for Patient.

  2. Click Edit for the document.

  3. Click the selected Folder and select a new folder.

  4. Save.

Delete a document

Documents in the ‘Supporting documents’ folders cannot be deleted from the Uploaded Documents page.

To delete an uploaded document:

  1. Follow the above instructions to access the patient user’s Uploaded Documents page via Search for Patient.

  2. Click Edit for the document.

  3. Click Delete and confirm.

View a patient’s uploaded documents

Clinical/Admin users can view a patient’s uploaded documents in their Account Summary. If you cannot see the Uploaded Documents section for a patient as a clinical user, then you likely do not have the necessary admin permissions.

Internal folders will not display in the Uploaded Documents within the Account Summary.

To view a patient’s uploaded documents:

  1. Go to Compliance Review.

  2. In the Vaccines tab, search for the patient user.

  3. Click View for Account Summary.

  4. Click Uploaded Documents in the side menu.

View all uploaded documents in TMV

Clinical/Admin users can view all documents uploaded across your TMV instance in the Patient Documents tile:

This UI is intended to allow you to search for documents.

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