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Manage consent forms

This guide explains how to edit and create consent forms that users will complete while using TrackMy.

You may have multiple versions of each type of consent form. It is important to keep past versions of consent forms on file. However, only enable the most recent version of the consent form. 

Access consent forms

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Administration tile:

    Screenshot of Administration tile in TrackMy portal

  2. Go to Site Consent Forms.

Edit consent forms

TrackMy retains all versions of consent forms in your account. Each time you edit a consent form, a new respective version of the consent form is created. You can only enable one version of a consent form at a time.

You can enable a past version of a consent form by clicking Enable for that version.

To edit a consent form in TrackMy:

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Administration tile:

Screenshot of the Administration tile in the TrackMy portal.
  1. Go to Site Consent Forms and click Update for the current consent form. The current consent form will have a Disable button:

Screenshot highlights the enabled HIPAA consent form. This consent form has a Disable button associated with it.
  1. Make desired changes in the consent content.

  2. Update the version number of the consent form:

Screenshot highlights the location of the consent version number. Enter the consent version number in the text box for Consent Version.
  1. Click Save.

Create additional consent forms

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the Administration tile. 

  2. Go to Downloadable Accommodation and Waiver Forms and click +Document for Waiver Forms.

  3. Click Consent Form for the document type.

  4. Select the consent type. To prevent duplicates, consent forms that are already enabled cannot be selected for creation. Follow the below instructions to create a new version of an enabled consent form:

Screenshot shows that the enabled consent forms are greyed out and not available to select when selecting a type of consent form to create.
  1. Enter the consent title.

  2. Enter the consent content.

  3. Enter the consent version number.

  4. Click Save.  

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