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Manage administrative groups

Administrative groups allow you to scale permissions across clinical users.

Generally, clinical users can complete tasks such as administering vaccinations and fit tests.

Clinical users can only be in one administrative group. Create groups based on roles and what those roles are permitted to do.

Create an administrative group

To create a new administrative group:

  1. In your TrackMy admin portal, click the Administration button:

Screenshot of the Administration tile in TrackMy
  1. Go to Configuration and click Manage for Administrative Groups:

Screenshot showing the location of the button for Manage Administrative Groups.
  1. In Manage Administrative Groups, click Create New Group.

  2. Enter the group name.

  3. Select features that the clinical users in the group will be able to access.

  4. Click Save.

  5. After saving, click Add Users.

  6. Select a user(s) by checking the Add checkbox.

  7. Click Save.

To change the permissions of an administrative group:

  1. Follow the above instructions to access Manage Administrative Groups.

  2. For the admin group, click View/Edit under Permissions.

  3. Select or deselect the admin permissions and click Save.

Edit administrative group users

To add or remove users for an administrative group:

  1. In User Management, click Update Administrative Group:

Screenshot showing the location on the Update Administrative Group button.
  1. Select the administrative group and click Continue.

  2. Search for a user by name or email.

  3. Select or deselect users under Add and click Save.

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