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Fit testing notifications

This guide explains how to manage fit testing notifications for users and admins.

Email notifications and reminders for users

To manage fit testing email notifications:

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Manage for Program Email Notifications and Reminders.

  2. Go to Respirator Fit Testing.

  3. Select a notification and click View to edit the email template and enable the notification.

Fit testing medical evaluation notifications

Manage automatic notifications for cleared medical evaluation submissions

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Manage for Medical Evaluation - Automatically Cleared Notification.

  2. Enter custom text in text editor, or click Load Default Content.

  3. Click Save.

Manage automatic notifications for medical evaluation submissions that need to be reviewed

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Manage for Medical Evaluation - Case to be Reviewed Notification.

  2. Enter custom text in text editor, or click Load Default Content.

  3. Click Save.

Create an email template for contacting users regarding their medical evaluation submissions

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Manage for Custom Medical Evaluation Communications.

  2. Enter template name.

  3. Enter email subject.

  4. Enter email content.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To edit an existing template, click Review for a current communication.

Send daily medical evaluation case review notifications

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Review for OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Queue.

  2. Click Notifications:

Screenshot showing the location of the Notifications button.
  1. Enter emails that a daily case notification should be sent to:

Screenshot showing emails listed to receive daily case notifications.
  1. Turn on the switch next to Notifications to enable notifications.

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