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Edit user details

This guide explains how to edit a user’s role(s), profile information, and password in the user’s details.

Access a user’s details

  1. In your TrackMy admin/clinical portal, click the User Management tile:

Screenshot of the User Management button in the TrackMy portal
  1. To see all users, click Search.

  2. Enter the user’s information and click Search.

  3. Click Edit for the user.

Now that you are in the Edit User form, you can make any of the following changes:

Edit a user’s role

  1. Select the correct check box for User Role(s) and click Update.

  2. If the user has a Clinical role, select the correct hierarchy for the user under Select your provider type.

  3. Click Update.

Edit a user’s information

Change the information fields shown and click Update.

Change a user’s password

  1. Click Generate New Password.

  2. Copy the given password and click Close.

  3. Click Change Password.

  4. Paste the new password.

  5. Click Update.

  6. The user will have to reset their password when they next log in.

Disable a user account

Click Disable at the bottom of the Edit User form and click Disable again to confirm.

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