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View your vaccines

View your vaccines

  1. In your TrackMy portal, click the Vaccines tile:

Screenshot of the Vaccines button in the TrackMy portal.
  1. Click + to expand the details of each vaccine type.

    Each column of the vaccination record provides the following information:

    • Vaccine: The type of vaccine.

    • Name: Your name.

    • Date of Birth: Your date of birth.

    • CVX Code: The CVX code of the vaccine dose that you received.

    • Dose Date: The date you received the vaccine dose.

    • Location: The state in which you received the vaccine dose. If your organization uploaded vaccination records on your behalf, the location will be HX.

    • Status: The verification status of your vaccine dose. See the following list for possible results.

    • Vaccine Documents: Any documents that you included when uploading a proof of vaccination.

      The following are possible Status results and what they mean:

      • Pending: Your self-reported dose is awaiting review.

      • Dose Validated: Your self-reported dose is approved and contributes to your compliance.

      • Unvalidated: Your self-reported dose is not approved.

      • Verified: These verified vaccine records are from TrackMy’s state registry search.

Download your immunization record

Your immunization record is a list of all vaccines that TrackMy has verified.

To download a copy of your immunization record:

  1. In Vaccines, click the download icon in the upper-right corner:

Screenshot of the download button to download a copy of your vaccination records. The button is located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  1. Open the downloaded PDF document to view your immunization record. The download will fail if your browser blocks downloads.

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