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Register and log in

Register for your TrackMy account

If you received a registration key from your organization, follow the Register with a key instructions below.

Register with a key

  1. Obtain your registration key from your organization.

  2. On your organization’s TrackMy homepage, click Register.

  3. Complete the registration form and click Request Account.

  4. If prompted, enter the 6-digit code sent to your email. Click OK to close the pop-up, then click Submit.

  5. Confirm your profile information is correct and enter any requested information.

  6. Click Register.

Troubleshooting failed registration with a key

You do not have a registration key

Your organization is responsible for sharing the registration key with you. This registration key was likely included in a “Welcome to TrackMy” email. Contact your organization if you cannot find your registration key.

An account already exists

When you request an account, TrackMy will check whether there is an existing account with:

  • Your email address

  • Your combination of name and birth date

If there is an existing account, TrackMy will not allow you to create a new account.

If there is an existing account, attempt to access your account with the following actions:

Log in to your TrackMy account

Log in with your email and a one-time code

If you do not wish to use a password, you can log in with a one-time login code:

  1. On your organization’s TrackMy homepage, click the button to log in with a username and password.
    The button may also say it for pre-employment or onboarding.

  2. Enter your email address and click Next.

  3. To receive a one-time login code, click Send One-Time Code:

Screenshot showing the location of the Send One-Time Code button to receive a one-time login code.
  1. Obtain the one-time login code that was sent to your email.

  2. Enter the code and click Submit.

Log in with your email and password

  1. On your organization’s TrackMy homepage, click the button to log in with a username and password. The button may also say it for pre-employment or onboarding.

  2. Enter your email address and click Next.

  3. Enter your password and click Log In With Password.

If your password is incorrect, follow steps to reset your password.

Single sign-on

If you are a current employee, you may be able to use Single Sign-On (SSO) to access your TrackMy account.

  1. On your organization’s TrackMy homepage, click SSO LOGON.

  2. Complete any prompts to verify your identity.

SSO may not work on mobile phone browsers. If you experience issues with SSO, try logging in to TrackMy with your email address. If you are still not able to log in, contact your organization.

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