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View all user records in Account Summary

Use the Account Summary to view all a user’s records in one place.

As a clinical user, your permissions limit what sections you can view. Contact your TrackMy manager at your organization if you need to view more sections.

Access a user’s Account Summary

  1. In your TrackMy Clinical/Admin portal, click the Compliance Review tile.

  2. Search for the user.

  3. Click View under Account Summary for the user. The Account Summary will open in a new tab.

    Screenshot showing the location of the View button for the Account Summary in the Compliance Review.

Viewing user records in the Account Summary

Screenshot of the Clinical view of a user's Account Summary.

Navigate through the Account Summary sections to view a user’s record. Expand the subsections to view the related records.

The purpose of the Account Summary is to show what records exist for a user in TrackMy Verivax. For privacy, you cannot view the content of a user's record, such as an accommodation, here.

If you have the permission to do so, you can download the complete record with these steps:

Go to the User Management tile > Search user > click View Forms > Download the record

View a user’s completed custom form

Custom form submissions are the one record that can be viewed in the Account Summary. Custom forms include any forms your organization built as a Custom Form. Follow these instructions to view a user’s custom form submission.

  1. In your clinical role, follow the instructions to access the user’s Account Summary.

  2. Go to the Surveys and Forms section.

  3. Expand Custom Forms.

  4. Click View for the submission you want to view.

Only answered questions will show in the view.

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