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Manage OSHA respirator medical evaluation

This guide explains how to review and manage the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation.

Review OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation submissions

Medical evaluation submissions with flagged responses are sent to the review queue with the Pending status. Medical evaluation submissions without flagged responses are given the Cleared Automatically status.

If you do not have the Review Queues tile in TMV, follow these steps to review declinations:

  1. Go to the Respirator Fit Tests tile.

  2. Click the Review for OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Queue.

  3. Starting at Step 3, follow the steps below to manage the declination case.

To review medical evaluations:

  1. In your Verivax admin/clinical portal, click the Review Queues tile:

    Review Queues tile.png

  2. Go to Medical Evaluations.
    Note: The queue automatically only shows cases with a Documentation Requested or Pending status.

  3. Click View Case to review a case:

    Screenshot of the Medical Evaluations queue View Case button.

  4. Go to Evaluation and click on the linked headings to navigate through the sections of the medical evaluation.

  5. Click a red heading to view a flagged response:

Screenshot showing how a flagged response shows when a red heading is clicked.

When Medical Conditions is clicked, the medical evaluation responses viewer jumps to the flagged response for seizures.

  1. To update the status of the medical evaluation, go to Case Information and click the current status to select the new status:

Screenshot showing the status of a medical evaluation.
  1. When the review is complete, click Save and Return to Queue.

Delete an OSHA medical evaluation submission

If a user submits a medical evaluation with an error, an admin user can delete the submission. This is useful when the user needs to submit a new OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation.

  1. In your TrackMy admin portal, go to the Respirator Fit Testing tile.

  2. Click Manage for Fit Testing Program Reporting.

    Screenshot highlighting the location of the Fit Test Reporting Manage button.

  3. Click Review for Medical Evaluations.

  4. Search for the user.

  5. Click Delete for the medical evaluation submission.

OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation report

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Review for OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Queue.

  2. Click Download All Responses to download a CSV file of all submitted OSHA respirator medical evaluations.

Edit the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation

To create or edit the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation:

  1. In Respirator Fit Testing, click Build for OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Builder.

  2. Enter configurations for the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation.

  3. Review questions and set them to be on or off accordingly.

  4. Select the checkbox for the questions which will cause the evaluation to need manual review when a user answers yes.

  5. After reviewing all questions, return to the Respirator Fit Testing dashboard.

Configuring the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation

Errors may occur if configurations in the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Builder are left blank. In the following sections, we highlight the required configurations.

User consent text

This pop-up displays at the beginning of the medical evaluation and includes instructions for minors completing the medical evaluation with a guardian.

To open the consent text, click the Consent Text button:

Screenshot showing the location of the configuration for user consent text in the OSHA Medical Evaluation Builder. Following the Consent Text button, you can check a box to Require Signature and you can check a box to Require Acknowledgement.

OSHA respirator educational document

You must provide an educational document for participants to review before completing the medical evaluation.

Upload a PDF file for participants to review:

Screenshot showing the location of the configuration for the educational document.

Survey follow-up

This pop-up tells users how to discuss their medical evaluation with the correct contact. This pop-up will only show to users whose medical evaluations require review.

To open the survey follow-up text, click the Add Text button:

OSHA Medical Evaluation - Survey Follow Up Text.png

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